Monday, December 17, 2012

Joy in Small Things

Joy comes in simple things, like chocolate chip pancakes

It's not the holiday hoopla that I long for this season.  It's the muffled quiet of a new snowfall, the full moon in December, watching Christmas specials on TV with my Mom, a cup of hot chocolate, hearing my niece's voice, the DH's (dear hubby's) laugh.

What simple things do you long for?


  1. A quiet, at-home day with *nothing* on the schedule except a new mystery to read and a nice cup of tea to enjoy it with!

  2. Teafan12:55 PM

    Is that powdered sugar? It looks like snow!

  3. To snuggle under a warm quilt with the fire burning in the fireplace, soft Christmas music playing, and a good book. Oh yes, a good pot of tea and a nice cup to pour into and sip from.


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