Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Happy x2 and Giveaway!

Happy New Year and Happy National Hot Tea Month!

To celebrate, I'm hosting a giveaway to include:  three tea samples, a homemade treat and a surprise!

What new teas do you plan to try in 2013?

To enter, leave a comment on this post anytime between now and  Jan. 10th, answering any one of these questions:
* What new teas do you plan to try this year?
* What new tea adventures do you plan?
* What do you hope to learn about tea in 2013?
* How will you share tea with others?

How will you share tea with others this year?

Please submit your comment by end of day on Thursday, January 10th.  I'll announce the winner on Friday the 11th.  And Happy New year!


  1. Happy New Year, Steph!
    I am getting ready to buy an airplane ticket to SF for the SF Tea Festival in March. New tea? Hummm? That will probably be a surprise to me, maybe I will find one at the tea festival. How about you?

  2. I'm looking for a good tea magazine to subscribe to.
    Theresa N

  3. Jesse5:01 PM

    I'm looking to grow my network of friends to include more diverse perspectives. I will invite some people to tea that look and think differently than me. ;-)

  4. I received several new teas for Christmas, so they are first on my "to try" list. One is a pureh and the other is an orange sencha.

  5. Anonymous4:42 AM

    I enjoy having my neighbors over for tea, especially on cold days. We have tried a number of different teas together!
    Shari, Houston, TX

  6. Hi Steph, I'm really looking forward to a tea trip to Taiwan, where I hope to explore aged teas as well as the more known Taiwan oolongs. Can't wait.

  7. loralie9:01 AM

    I share tea by giving it as gifts. Both daughters & both daughters-in-law receive tea and/or tea accessories for birthdays & Christmas.

    slmartin at vtc dot net

  8. Happy New Year and Happy National Hot Tea Month! I am planning tea adventures with family and friends while traveling this year. We already have several trips on the family calendar.

  9. I belong to a tea group on LibraryThing and I'm going to share tea by helping a member who's finding that their favorite Stash tea is too expensive via the Web. I've offered to buy some at the Stash store and mail it to them as part of my New Year's resolution to practice kindness and offer some balance to all the violence and craziness we experienced in December of 2012.

  10. Happy New Year Steph! For my new year's adventure, while I hope to continue to try new teas, I would like to slow down enough to fully appreciate some old favorites along the way.

  11. I just found your blog, so that is one new tea adventure I'm having this year. Also, I'm working on the habit of having tea every afternoon when I get home from work, which will be another adventure in changing my busy life! I just found some new teas from Teavana, but I don't know much about tea at all, so I'm thankful to find your blog and I wish I'd win this contest! Happy 2013!

  12. This is the year I celebrate my 6-tea-ith... and family and friends will gather in Spain this summer for the festivities! Probably will be enjoying wine and tapas mostly, but will certainly seek out a place that serves tea, too!

  13. Good luck everyone! I love your comments.

  14. Happy New year! I'm heading to the Victoria Tea Festival next month in Victoria, BC.
    Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea.

  15. I gave several new teas to my daughters and friends as Christmas gifts. And I'm going to try more white and green teas in the next year. A tea trip would be a very special treat but I think this year I will only be able to travel through your blog!

  16. Happy New Year, Steph! My new favorite tea is organic orange jasmine by China Mist. It is a green and white blend -- whole leaf in a sachet! Wow!

  17. Hmmm ... I have actually been pondering how I'll share tea with others this year. I am actually thinking of stocking a picnic basket and doing some "surprise" tea parties with friends. We'll see! No plans for any new teas I'm aiming to try (like you, I've got plenty right now!) -- but I'm always open to trying something new when I see it!

  18. New Tea: Ancient Lotus Green. Lotus Blossoms blended with green tea. I am saving it for something special that will be happening in February.

    New Experience: Join a Tea Meet Up Group in my area and share my passion for tea with them and learn from their tea experiences.

    Happy New Year Dear Friend. I wish you many new and unique tea revelations in the coming New Year.

    Mary Jane


  19. This year I'm aspiring toward launching my own tea site for information purposes in order to increase the popularity of tea in my country and region. Other than than I'm expecting to try more raw Pu Erh and Indian/Ceylon white, green and oolong.

  20. Thank you so much everyone!!!


I value your comments, thank you!