Saturday, January 12, 2013

Hazelnut Cocoa

The DH found hazenlut milk (non-dairy) at the grocery recently, and it makes THE BEST hot cocoa!  The hazelnut milk lends that wonderful nutty, rich flavor to the beverage.  I've been enjoying this on a regular basis.  Please note that the hazelnut milk is lightly sweetened and so you'll want to adjust your cocoa sweetening. 

Have you ever heard of or tried hazenlnut milk?  It's a real treat for me.

Bunny ears thanks to the DH, dear hubby


  1. I have never heard of hazelnut milk, so thanks for the information.

  2. Now that does sound delicious!

  3. I've had almond milk but not hazenlut milk. I'll have to look for it, this sounds delicious.

  4. A delicious treat! Yum!

  5. I love hot cocoa and that looks like an amazing combination! Thanks for the delicious tip, Steph.

  6. Never heard of hazelnut milk, but I adore hazelnuts and would certainly be willing to give this a try. (Your DH's bunny ears made me laugh. Men!)

  7. I'm trying to cut down on dairy so I'm going to try this as creamer in my coffee. I might also have to give it a try with hot chocolate. It looks so good! xoxo

  8. Oh, my god — it's like liquid Nutella! Sounds amazing... If only I weren't allergic to it. :)


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