Monday, March 11, 2013

Guinness with Your Tea

Guinness Soda Bread Scones, and other delectables

It was tea-times-two on Saturday!  A friend joined me for a tea party at my home before heading to our Japanese Tea Ceremony class, where she was the guest instructor on kimono dressing.

With a nod toward St. Pat's, I served the following.  All of these were vegan, except for the salmon and the macarons.  (I've had a nasty respiratory virus and am off dairy.)

  • Blood Orange sandwich - This time, I used vegan cream cheese, blood orange rind, a drop of vanilla and a drop of orange extract
  • Smoked salmon on rosemary butter (vegan spread) 
  • Sprouts (made by the DH) on rosemary butter (vegan spread)
Scones:  Guinness Soda Bread Scones These were a big hit!  To make them vegan:
  • Use 4 Tbsp of vegan margarine
  • Use 1/4 cup of nondairy milk with 2 Tbsp vinegar to curdle it
  • Use agave or sugar instead of honey
  • I started with 1/4 cup of Guinness and added 3 Tbsp.  This kept the dough firm enough that I could cut out shapes.
  • This version is just as good as the won't notice the difference.
  • PS - It just occurred to me, after I'd posted this, to check if Guinness is vegan. Technically, it's not.  If this is a concern for you, read more here.
  • Dates stuffed with pecan
  • French macarons from a local bakery
  • Fresh Strawberries!  I'm so happy because I wait for the CA ones each spring.


  1. Sounds like a great teatime, and I absolutely love how pretty your tea tray looks!

  2. I'm inspired by your post to plan a tea get together soon!

  3. Everything looks yummy!

  4. Really pretty and even though everything is vegan it sounds delish! What is vegan cream cheese made from Steph? Thanks!

  5. I wait until March for strawberries too. What a huge treat. I love seeing your mostly vegan tea. That can be a challenge and you did it so well.

  6. Such a beautiful presentation --- a lovely vegan tea!

  7. Gorgeously looking. I want to experience this taste. Moreover, it has so many healthful properties:
    Healing tea.


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