Monday, April 29, 2013

Ilha Formosa, Taiwan

Dear Blog Readers, I can keep this quiet no longer!  On Thursday this week, I'm boarding a plane to the tea mecca of Taiwan! This island country, south of Japan and east of China, produces some of the world's best oolong teas.  For an oolong lover like me, this trip is very special

You've probably heard of "Formosa" oolong.  Formosa is a former name of Taiwan, so named by the Dutch when they first laid eyes on the mountainous and forested heaven.  Ilha Formosa means beautiful island.

We will be visiting tea farms and meeting tea makers in several regions. In addition to tea, we'll be eating yummy food.  Taiwan is quite well known for its cuisine, influenced by native customs, China, Japan and others. 

Map of teas grown in Taiwan, from Wikipedia

Thanks to my sweet DH (dear hubby) for encouraging me to go. He'll be keeping the house and garden while I'm drinking my weight in tea. Thanks to Shiuwen of Floating Leaves for organizing this tour! I feel very fortunate to be able to visit tea farms and see Taiwan through her eyes. And thank you to my tour mates, a small group of us inquisitive travelers and tea lovers!

I will be blogging from Taiwan, and I hope you'll follow along!  I'll keep it streamlined with photos and a few thoughts, and save the detailed accounts for when I return. 


  1. What an amazing opportunity, Steph. So happy you're able to make this trip. I'll look forward to traveling along vicariously through your blog posts. Safe travels!

  2. Safe travels to you, Stephanie. I am so glad you can go on this tour. I look forward to your posts along the way --- and when you return. I love the "word picture" of you drinking your weight in tea!

    Have fun!
    Gracious Hospitality

  3. Teafan11:20 AM

    That's just SO cool!! I'm happy for you. Pls do let us travel along here.

  4. Happy Travels!
    I just know you will enjoy.
    Hello to our tea friend there also.

  5. How exciting, Steph! Have a fabulous time and enjoy the tea!

  6. How exciting! Safe journey and I look forward to your posts! :D

  7. I am so envious! Have a great time and safe travels. I am headed to my tea cabinet to fill a tea tray with my Yixing teapot, my tasting cups and all my oolongs. I can hardly wait to tag along on your adventure. (Of course the quality in my cup is not going to rival yours!) Thanks so much for letting us travel with you via your blog!
    Sips and Smiles,

  8. Thank you for all the wishes of safe travels!

  9. Have a wonderful time!

  10. Awesome! And I love this graphic!


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