Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Taiwan Day 5: TieGuanYin Tea

In Muzha drinking one of my favorites, Traditional style TieGuanYin tea. Click to enlarge.


  1. I enjoyed this post, Stephanie. The last picture --- of you sipping tea --- is magazine worthy, plus! I hope you choose it to make some of your tea cards. :D it is so expressive and shares the mysterious aspects of tea. And the first picture --- so view-worthy! I love the mix of old and new, practical and elegant, and how it illustrates the serious business of tea! Great post!

    Gracious Hospitality

  2. This farmer had the most wonderful smile and passion for his tea when we traveled there. I thoroughly enjoyed visiting here. Plus the adventure of getting there and returning to the hotel was quite wonderful too. Loved seeing your photos.

  3. I especially like the picture of you next to all that withering tea. Think I might have been tempted to dive right on top. (But that's probably not advised!)

  4. Simply amazing experience!

  5. A wonderful post. Your photos tell a wonderful story by themselves.


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