Monday, June 10, 2013

Meatless Monday: Green Hummus

It's been some time since I wrote about a Meatless Monday, and with the garden producing so much, I thought I'd get back to it.  We've grown fava beans for the first time this year.  LOVE them!  Not only do they fix nitrogen in the soil, but they produce this wonderfully plump and flavorful bean. 

The DH made up a recipe for this "green hummus":  fava beans (shelled and raw, skins included), parsley, lemon sorrel, lemon juice, tahini, dash of salt.  The parsley and lemon sorrel are also from the garden.  The raw fava beans are quite starchy and the other ingredients help balance that out.  It was very delicious!

Do you like fava beans?  How do you make them?  You may also know them as horse beans or broad beans.


  1. Thank you for sharing this idea! It looks delicious! I love fava beans, and usually use the dried version that I cook in a crockpot. Fresh sounds even better! I also use a lot of fava bean flour.

    Pretty pictures with this post! I love the pretty bachelor buttons!

  2. I don't believe I've had fava beans (Anthony Hopkins connotations and all that!), but I am a great fan of every kind of hummus and would be happy to try this one!

  3. marthae8:35 AM

    When dinner guests in Rome, our host served a large bowl of fava beans raw in their outer shells and showed us how they are sucked from that shell (they had been removed from the larger pods). These were paired with chunks of pecorino cheese, unfilterd olive oil and crusty bread .
    I have since grown them in my garden and we eat them this way as an appetizer course. Wonderful!

  4. The hummus is so pretty and looks good, especially with the lemon sorrel. I have not had fava beans that I can recall, so not sure how you would prepare them.

  5. Dear Steph,
    now I finnaly have time to read your wonderful reports about Taiwan. Thanks so much for the great impressions and informations!
    I love this beans with nuts, roasted in a pan (the nuts, not the beans).
    Best wishes and hugs, Siret


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