Saturday, July 06, 2013

Old Mill House Inn, Vernonia

Old Mill House Inn

The DH and I recently took a mini vacation to Vernonia, OR. It was great!  We are riding our bikes both Saturday and Sunday these days, training for an event, which leaves little time for much else. The DH (dear hubby) came up with a very clever way to fit in a little pampering.  We worked in our bike training on the way to a B&B. Taking the long way there, our ride was 4 hours including 21 miles on the Banks-Vernonia rails-to-trails path.

We stayed at the Old Mill House Inn, which I recommend. A lovely home and very friendly hosts who lovingly restored this abode to its present beauty, rescuing it from neglect.

Breakfast was delicious and filling!  And we enjoyed learning about the home's history.

That's me, still standing after a long ride here!  The back yard of the Inn is beautiful with a peaceful deck to sit and let your legs rest. ")


  1. Thank you Stephanie for your very sweet recommendation. Hope yours and DH's training is going well.
    Best of luck
    Dave and Brooke

  2. Thanks for sharing this B&B with us. I think you were probably quite warm last weekend, but still looking good. Loved seeing The Old Mill House Inn rooms too. It looks like a comfy place to stay and even tea on the table.

  3. Teafan8:22 AM

    Looks like a cool place, and how fortunate to have this right along the trail.

  4. Hats off to you and your DH for your physical stamina! The B & B looks like a lovely respite. Loved seeing that teapot on the breakfast table too!

  5. Now THAT is the very definition of delayed gratification!


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