Monday, August 12, 2013

Meatless Monday: Artichokes

Well here's a plant we could never grow in the Midwest...artichokes!  Fun to grow because the plant is BIG and pretty, and if you let it bloom, it looks like a giant purple thistle. But why would you want to do that when you can eat them?  We trim the sharp points and steam for about 25 min for small ones. I like them unadorned, though many people enjoy dipping the leaves in melted butter, mayo or other sauces.

Do you grow fresh artichokes?  (They don't like cold winters.). How do you like to cook them?

And a flower for you too....


  1. Teafan6:30 AM

    I've never cooked an artichoke (a fresh one anyway), but it looks like a lovely flower. And the sunflower IS lovely!

  2. I steam artichokes, and eat them by dipping the leaves (the meaty part) on vinagrette sauce (olive oil, vinegar, salt). The artichokes are good warm or cold.

  3. I love artichokes and have so many fond memories of my mom cooking them when I was young. I steam them and have always dipped them in mayo, but we are thinking we need to explore a new way of doing them. Love your sunflower too.

  4. martea9:51 AM

    Love artichokes! I used to steam them, but now, wrapped in a wet paper towel I simply micro one 4 min or less....
    For years, favorite dip was a curry lemon sauce, but once I discovered how a quality balsamic enhances the taste....that is the dip of choice (and much healthier without the calories)

  5. Enjoying a freshly steamed artichoke is one of my DH's favorites!


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