Sunday, August 25, 2013

She Comes Home

It's a wonderful Sunday afternoon. The DH is whiling away at the bicycle show at the museum and I'm tucked into a beautifully presented pot of sencha at the Japanese cafe across the street. A good book, a pot of tea, moody skies and a light rain. Portland has come home after a gorgeous Mediterranean vacation for herself. 


  1. Gotta love those Mediterranean vacations... but, there's no place like home!

  2. Teafan7:21 AM

    Looks like a little bit of heaven!

  3. So true, but hadn't thought of it that way. Yes, I think I will sleep well tonight.

  4. Sounds like the perfect respite to me! And I can't believe it's never dawned on me before to make a hotpad out of yo-yo's!


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