Saturday, October 05, 2013

Tea Euphoria

Guitian preparing tea

Living the tea life at the NW Tea Fest!  Euphoric is the right word. Tasting all day and drinking tea with friends late into the night. Above, a moment of beauty and transcendence with Guitian. 

Thank you dear tea friends. 


  1. Looking forward to hear about it when you get home. We were supposed to attend, but my husband became ill with a bad cold...he has Parkinson's Disease, so all illnesses are exaggerated and had to cancel. Have a cup for me!

  2. Ruth - Would very much love to meet you there in the future! And I'm sending best wishes for a quick recovery to your husband.

  3. Mary Jane3:57 AM

    Hi Steph,

    I so wish I could have been there to share in all of the festivities. What a beautiful photo. Will be awaiting details and more photos of the tea times with friends. Sounds like you had an amazing weekend.

    Sending you a hug,
    Mary Jane

  4. How I wish I could have been there for this tea time. She is so beautiful in her movement, spirit, and presentation.

  5. Lovelly... The Tea Party is an organic, spontaneous movement.Steep your life in beauty and wellness through tea. Get more information here Chinese green tea


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