Monday, November 04, 2013

Enter with Joy

My tree-lined street, vibrant with color

I used to feel a little sad when autumn would come.  I knew the days would grow shorter, darker and colder.  But over the past few years I've re-programmed myself to welcome fall with joy.  I welcome the color, the seasonal produce, the crunch of dry leaf, the smell of wet leaf, the crisp air, the pause.  And now, I even welcome the rain, the grey and the cooler temps.  I've learned to embrace warm mugs of tea and toasty socks, movies and books, nesting and inward reflecting.  

How do you welcome fall?

My front door


  1. Teafan11:19 AM

    First tree: Blazing!
    Second tree: Fun!

  2. "Summer's loss seems little, dear, on days like these."
    ~ Earnest Dowson

    What a lovely street you live on!

    I've been busy baking everything I can think of with pumpkin and taking walks in the crunchy colorful leaves.

    Did you paint your door with chalkboard paint? I love it!

    Sending hugs,

    Mary Jane

  3. Gorgeous tree lined street - it glistens with joy!

  4. Mary Jane - I used sidewalk chalk and it wipes off easily. The only problem is that it brushes onto peoples' clothing if they rub against chalk paint may be even better! I would test it first to see if it impacts the door paint.

  5. Love that you did that to your door. How fun! Haven't the colors been just magnificent this year? It makes the coming rains not so hard to bear. Yes, for tea, socks, books, and nesting. Also been trying to be more crafty, as during the summer months it is too hard to stay inside.

  6. Gorgeous picture of your tree-lined street. The colors of the autumn leaves are beautiful. In my area most of the leaves have fallen, as the trees settle in for a long winter's nap. There is, indeed, much joy to be found in the fall season - hay rides, cider mills, along with nesting indoors after a busy summer.

  7. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Preparing the milkweed bed is a fall activity. The succulent foliage and blossoms are a host for butterflies. The monarchs migrate across the sea.


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