Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Watermelon Radish and How I Write a Blog

Watermelon Radish

Way back in 2005, when I started this blog - Wow, really?  Has it been that long?! - I thought first about the message I wanted to write and then maybe added in a photo that kinda-sorta fit.  That was before I dove down the DSLR camera rabbit hole. 

These days, I just as often start with the photo and then craft the message.  That doesn't mean the message has taken a back seat.  Rather, I've thought in generalities about what I want to say much earlier in the timeline.  When I'm taking photos, my mind sees potential story threads to match the experience I'm shooting.  Back at my desk, I let the images weave that thread together with the other parts of the story.

And then...
Sometimes I just have an image that I want to share.  Like the watermelon radish above.  This picture makes me SMILE every time I see it and I wanted to share it with you.  There is a story here:  The DH grew these.  Sometimes they have a spicy bite and sometimes they don't.  And I love them for their cheery colors. 

If you write a blog, how do you go about crafting your stories?  And do you sometimes post photos just because?


  1. I absolutely *love* the Watermelon Radish! It took me a minute ("Watermelon? Radish?") and then I "got it." Fun! As far as "crafting stories" for my blog, I'm afraid my mind never shuts up, so like you I've thought in a general way about my blog post long before I put the words down. And after being a (mostly) deadline journalist for 25+ years, I write really fast, so friends are sometimes surprised when I tell them I can often write a week's worth of blog posts in under an hour on Sunday afternoon! (The photos take a wee bit longer, of course!)

  2. Beautiful pic!

  3. How fun to think of this and to see your photo just because.
    In the beginning I mostly wrote and tried to find a picture that would fit. Sometimes I still do that, but often when I can't think what to write I shuffle through my photos to see if something will inspire a thought. Sometimes it works and sometimes I have to force it a bit, but I love the challenge of it all.
    Good for you for blogging and hanging in there so long.

  4. I always first upload the pictures that I have taken lately, and then the words come as the pictures help me to remember the story they are telling.
    I notice your pictures have improved a lot. Excellent!

  5. I think that radish is 'hotter' at one end than the other - the top is mild, the bottom hot. Love that picture!


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