Saturday, December 28, 2013

Sharing Matcha over the Holidays

I had the wonderful opportunity to make matcha for a good friend and my niece while visiting my family over the Christmas holiday. It's always a gift to me to serve tea to those I love. 

My Japanese tea teacher shared with me some white bean paste (Lima beans cooked down, with sugar and a bit of rice flour - it's an all day process), and I had some red bean paste frozen. These made it through airport security "). I made traditional Japanese tea sweets for my guests. The grown up guest liked it and my niece thought it was OK. I was impressed she even tried it!

In fact, she was eager to be my helper and try everything. The horses came along too. 

I made the matcha very very light for her, and with plenty of froth. She liked it!  That's my girl!


  1. Teafan3:36 PM

    Wish you were my Aunt!

  2. How special to share your love with your friend and niece. I am impressed that she tried and liked it. She will indeed become a tea expert through her auntie's love.

  3. What fun memories you make with your niece, and it sounds like your holidays were merry and bright! Wishing you blessings in the New Year! ~ Phyllis

  4. So happy to hear your niece was willing to try it! You're a good aunt!


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