Saturday, January 25, 2014

I Was to Be Having Tea

I was to be having tea
But I was home with the flu
A little blue

I scowled at the banana
You call it ripe, I call it dead
Good for bread

Grapefruit ready
Tea to steep
I start to weep

But then I think
Do not dismay
Look at this day!

The sun is out
My head breathes free
And I have my tea


  1. Your poem does portray just what we sometimes feel when not feeling well. I would have loved sitting there, having tea, grapefruit, and banana bread. Oh yummmm!

  2. Fun poem! Hope you're feeling better.

  3. Was his on wuwo day??? I can feel your melancholy and commitment to making the most of the time.

  4. You have definitely used lemons to make lemonade with this one! (Hope you're feeling better!)

  5. A great poem... and a reminder that tea heals all ;)

  6. Shanna12:51 PM

    Steph-I read in an RSS feeder so almost never comment. However, I love to read your posts-and the poetry is wonderful. I saw this article and thought of you.


I value your comments, thank you!