Sunday, July 27, 2014

Wu-Wo Tea with My Niece

I've been away enjoying some time with my family.  Of course, this involved tea.  I *love* these photos.  They are dear to me because they combine things important in my life - family and tea.  That's my niece with me. We are having a Wu-Wo tea ceremony.  Above, we are brewing the tea together.  Below, we are serving tea to the others in the group.  (Everyone brews tea and shares with three people to the left.)

And finally tasting!  My niece was an adventurous girl, I'm so proud!  She tasted all the teas and we enjoyed quite a range.  She liked the white tea best.  Also pictured above are my sister and two tea friends.  Special thanks to my mom for the photos!  She hasn't lost her touch (and is my photography inspiration).

Sage (doll) joined us, too.  No matter how you do it - afternoon tea parties, tea like this or with a simple mug - tea is a wonderful way to spend time with kids, to expose them to other cultures, to let them play and to make memories.


  1. It was a wonderful time of sharing tea with your family. I loved it.

  2. Anonymous4:55 PM

    It was really enjoyable learning about Wu-Wo with you and your friends. I am so grateful that Lola is having such wonderful experiences at an early age. I know this trip is something she will always remember. It was also nice seeing Marilyn and meeting David.

  3. A lovely experience shared with friends and family.

    Love the photo of you and your sweet niece. You are a wonderful teacher.
    She will always remember your times together.


  4. David9:55 AM

    It sure was a special time! Thanks so much for including me. And I love your mom's photos — they're beautiful, and it's lovely to see you (and all of us) through her eyes.

  5. I love, love, love this post.

  6. Such a very special sharing moment with family and friends. The photography captures the essence of the afternoon.

  7. Your mom's photos are GREAT! Especially love the photo of you and your niece -- I see your love for her written all over your face, and as a proud aunt myself, I "get it." I also believe I recognize one of your tea friends -- happy times, indeed!

    P.S. My niece loves her American Girl doll too!


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