Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Passion Fruit and Coconut Curds

Coconut and Passion Fruit curds

From West Coast to East Coast, these curds connect me to special tea friends.  The passion fruit curd began as a conversation between two mutual tea friends.  One had a  vine full of the exotic fruit.  The other wished she could grow her own to make passion fruit curd.  Alas, she didn't have the climate for it.  Very soon thereafter, a box of fresh passion fruit (just picked from the California garden!) arrived East of the Mississippi.  Wow!  The longed for passion fruit curd became a reality.

I had a chance to visit the maker of the passion fruit curd recently and it was spectacular!  She has also been experimenting with coconut curd and I tell you, it's also stellar.  Some of each came to my house. I've been eating these (regularly) with a hearty cookie.  Literally finger-licking good!  Also wonderful with scones, of course.  Thank you to both of my friends for sharing this bounty with me.  XOXO!


  1. What creative curd ideas. And how very special your friend shares.

  2. Both of these sound wonderful ... wonder if there's any reason I couldn't make a curd with my beloved mango?

  3. martha8:16 PM

    So happy you are enjoying it, Steph.

    The vine was a mother's day gift three years ago and it definitely is the gift that keeps on giving.

    I love eating it and cooking with it.. I make curd with it often, but that coconut curd is calling my name too :*)


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