Friday, September 19, 2014

Blooming Succulent and Giveaway Winner

Congratulations to Snap for winning my Giveaway of a Global Tea Hut package!  It will be on its way soon!  Woohoo!

These images are of a succulent (hen and chick) that's been blooming for a long time this summer. It's happy on the front balcony.  Such a cool plant with amazing flowers.


  1. One of the few succulents that I actually like is the hens and chickens. Your plant is beautiful!

  2. Thank you, Steph! Woo Hoo!

    I love succulents and it's just too wet here ... or I haven't found the right spot!

  3. Thanks for posting this; I never realized hens & chicks bloomed! Congrats to your giveaway winner...

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I didn't know hens and chicks bloomed! Now I want them more than ever!

  5. Award winning photos, Steph!!

    Have a fabulous weekend! Thanks so much for visiting! : - )

  6. Congrats to Snap, and I must say that I never knew that Hens and Chicks bloom! Lovely!


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