Thursday, September 11, 2014

GIVEAWAY and Wu-Wo Video

Hi, Everyone!  I'm so pleased to share with you a video of my beloved Wu-Wo tea ceremony.  My friends are in the video and I'm the narrator.  Enjoy!  To celebrate, I'm also hosting a giveaway.  See below.

Click here to watch the video!

GIVEAWAY!  The folks at Global Tea Hut have generously provided me with an extra package to share as a blog giveaway.  (Tea Sage Hut, which I've visited in Taiwan, is the home base for GTH.) The package includes the color magazine, a tea sample and a gift.  It's a very exciting and generous offer!

To be entered into the drawing, leave a comment in this post + one other on my blog. Your pick!  I will announce the winner on Thursday, September 18th.  Good luck!  


  1. I love it! Such a lovely ceremony, it seems both peaceful and relaxed while still having the feeling of a ceremony. Something I must try out. Also subscribing to Global Tea Hut is very high on my list of things I want to do, their philosophy fits mine very strongly, and I certainly want to support it.

  2. Wonderful video! I would enjoy this and will look to see if there is a group where I live. I follow Global Tea Hut on FB. Thanks, Steph!

  3. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Lovely, quiet, peaceful ceremony. I only wish that Pu'erh could be prepared but noticed the point in the docs on the wu-wo site that teas not requiring boiling water are best used. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Teafan11:16 AM

    I want to win! I want to win!

  5. What an exciting giveaway! And, love the video. Great job!

  6. I am so easily distracted I rarely make it through a 1-minute video before checking out, but I watched every second of this one and thoroughly enjoyed it! I must say, I had no idea that "professional voice-over talent" was among your many skills! You made this sound so accessible. (Though I could just see me making too much noise, bungling the order of things ... I would need some especially easygoing companions!) Loved seeing Marilyn here too. Oh, and yes, I'd love to be entered in the giveaway, please!

  7. I would want to win this generous give away. How nice. And of course I love this video. You and David did a tremendous job on it.

  8. Martha e9:21 PM

    Beautifully produced video which was interesting to watch and to hear your narration. I loved watching the interaction of everyone. Marilyn has told me a lot about it over the years and it was nice to actually see one.

    What a nice gift your give a way would be! I'd love to be the lucky one.

  9. Having found you through Angela's site, Tea with Friends, I especially enjoyed learning about this serene tea ceremony; the video is quite soothing to watch and listen to. Thank you for sharing, and please include me in your generous giveaway.

    Sharon in Alabama


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