Thursday, October 23, 2014

A Hundred Indecisions and Revisions

Meet Ribbit, my newest tea pet

Ribbit was given to me by a sweet and generous tea friend.  He's a tiny little guy - the scale is misleading in this photo because the teacup is also tiny.  He's the size of a pebble and he's adorable!  Small but mighty, he is. Ribbit and I have been doing some thinking and talking together.  We've discussed this poem:

Time for you and time for me,
And time yet for a hundred indecisions,
And for a hundred visions and revisions,
Before the taking of toast and tea.
    ~ T.S. Eliot

It's amazing to me how the poems I need find their ways to me at the right time. I've needed this poem.  

Aforementioned friend and a few other precious ones are helping me with a special tea project which has been brewing in my head and heart for 9 months.  Interesting timing.  :-)  I've been making a hundred indecisions and a hundred visions and revisions.  

I've learned about giving space to those hundred indecisions and revisions.  I'm normally a tackle and resolve sort of person when it comes to getting a project done.  This project is demanding its own time table and my patience.  It's requiring me to soul search and that was unexpected, but in the end rewarding.   I'm learning a lot, yes I am.


  1. Oh I love Ribbit! What a thoughtful friend.
    Good luck with decisions being contemplated. Yes, that poem is just perfect for you right now. I hope you find the peace you need.

  2. Aww Ribbit! He looks like he could be my frog, Roger's long lost cousin!

  3. Sometimes I think we have to be ready to *receive* certain wisdom, so maybe that's the reason for the timing? At any rate, all good wishes for your new tea project!


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