Monday, March 16, 2015

A New Towel Rack

This post is for Mom and KD (sis), so they can see my new bathroom towel rack.  The DH made it for me.  I love it!  It's much more practical than the original metal bar - I can hang several towels on this at once. 

The wooden plank was salvaged along the side of the road. Wooden pegs came from Habitat for Humanity Re-Store. Metal peg (second from left) is from Old Portland Hardware and was reclaimed from an old pipe organ in Washington state.  The colorful/ornate hooks and pull knobs are from Anthropologie.

I had an idea of what I wanted for the end product and the dear hubby (DH) put his skills to work.  It was a bigger project than I had imagined, and I'm grateful!


  1. I love your new towel rack SO much!!

  2. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I like this very much! It is really cute and very practical.

  3. I love recycling and repurposing ... this is great!

  4. Great towel rack! I like how each peg has its own story.

  5. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Love it, Steph. What a special gift from your DH. A man of many talents! Always am happy to see something that pays homage to history and has a useful purpose.
    Is there one in the works for the kitchen to hang all of those great tea towels?

    Sending you a hug,

    Mary Jane

  6. Love it! That wood is completely gorgeous, too ... such character and variations of color. This is upcycling at its very finest!

  7. I loved getting to see your towel rack in person, very nice. I would love it.


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