Friday, March 06, 2015

Hanazuki: Month of Blossoms


I love that the Japanese have such precise seasonal words, phrases and poetry. March, for example, is called Hanazuki which can be interpreted to mean month of blossoms. (Translated word for word, it means flower moon.)  Where I live, March is definitely the month of blossoms.  Here are some pictures from our gardens. Sending thoughts of Spring to those on the Eastern side of this country.  

I love the subtle purple veins inside this crocus

More bright crocus

I love wild daffodils!  What stories they could tell!
Where did they come from? How did they get here?

Camellia with a Happy Bee
(We've just begun to see active bees)

Marsh marigold

Plum blossom


  1. I love the blossoms you are finding in your part of the world. They are wonderful. Now I blame the squirrels for those wandering daffodil in unusual places. I think they have even moved some of ours. They are just redecorating our world.

  2. Happy Spring! Love to see all of the beautiful blossoms. Your first photograph of the crocus is lovely. Looks like a painting, Enjoy your garden this weekend.

  3. Love your beautiful post full of blossoms.... eagerly waiting our spring display! Little green shoots are just starting to poke above ground. There is a promise!


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