Monday, March 30, 2015

You Never Know What You'll See on a Portland Street...

 This incredible bubble art...

Or maybe two women dressed in Victorian-style clothes, out for a stroll...
To my fellow chanoyu students: Ms. M and I got a big kick out of this photo. Notice our tea hands!

The truth is my friend Ms. M (in blue) is much more practiced at costuming than I.  I was a little nervous to walk around in public, but I am SO glad that we did!  Truly, I have never seen so many people look up from their phones or other occupations and smile genuinely.  I felt like the smile fairy.

All manner of people engaged with us, from children to elderly, across ethnic and socioeconomic groups.  It was fun and made me realize how much this human connection of smiling feels good. 

After our stroll, Ms. M and I visited the Heathman Hotel for Afternoon Tea.  It's a grand old hotel with a beautiful lobby. (You may have heard of the hotel from a certain super popular book/movie. Hint: There's a color in the title.)

Ms. M is wearing a riding hat and a bustle skirt.  I am wearing a top hat with feathers and a walking skirt.

The setting at the Heathman is beautiful.

 The tea menu...  Everything was delicious!

Here's my invitation to us all... take a chance and smile at a stranger, including the ones dressed differently.  It's amazing!

"If you smile at me I will understand
'Cause that is something
Everybody everywhere does in the same language."

~Crosby, Stills & Nash, Wooden Ships


  1. What a wonderful post! You brought a smile to my face and the tea looks heavenly!

  2. What a memorable experience you and Ms. M had! I really enjoyed reading this post and your life lesson. Also it teaches us not to be so preoccupied with what others think about our appearance and clothing choices. Love your beautiful top hat! Looks like the two of you had a lovely tea at the hotel.

  3. How fun! And the smiles continue with this post! Love the outfits.

  4. I would indeed smile seeing you two walking down the sidewalk. Love, love your outfits alot. I would love having tea with you here one day. I went with a meet up group last fall and didn't know anyone. I think it would be more fun sharing tea with a friend.


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