Wednesday, May 13, 2015

"African Tea", I'm Hooked!

African tea, similar to Indian chai, but of its own character

OK, I've found yet another amazing style of tea.  In Rwanda, they call it "African Tea". It's similar in ingredients to chai, and yet entirely its own style.  It's made with milk, water, black tea and spices (ginger, cardamom, etc. - variations abound). The locals add sugar or honey. It's really, really, really delicious.  Here is a recipe.

And fattening!  ;-)  I'm pretty sure whole milk is used because a film forms quickly on top as the tea cools.  On that note, I saw a man on a bicycle this morning delivering milk, on a large silver urn. Milk is a big part of the Rwandan diet.

Snacks like this at each break time.  There were small cheese "tea sandwiches"
but they were gone in a flash so I didn't get a photo.

The grounds of our conference facility

Read more about the journey here:


  1. What wonderful experiences you are having. Then a very special added treat of tea. Sounds so good. Love too that you got to see the milk delivery.

  2. Cool!! Totally making it this weekend. :)

  3. Teafan1:16 AM

    MUST try this!

  4. The tea sounds delicious. I'm a big of chai so I'm sure I'd like this tea. Interesting that milk is a large part of the Rwandan diet.

  5. That sounds so delicious!! Many thanks for this african atmosphere
    and sunny greetings,

  6. Am loving your newest adventure! Keep sharing!

  7. Mmm ... I love masala anything, so I must try this! Thanks for including a recipe link!

  8. I love chai, so this looks wonderful. Thanks for the recipe and sharing qith Tuesday Cuppa Tea!


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