Thursday, July 09, 2015

Writing Retreat

Opening the gate to new possibilities...

I've been away at a writing retreat. I'm learning to facilitate writing circles following the Women Writing for (a) Change principles and practices. I love it! I spent last week with 12 kindred spirits, nestled in a beautiful retreat center in Cincinnati, OH. We wrote of our experiences of being women in this world. We practiced deep listening and responding to one another's writing in safe and nurturing ways.  This style of writing in community is about honoring the path of each voice in the circle. The intention is to encourage and lift up each person's words. The experience is not at all like a critique-based workshop. 

The local hosts were so thoughtful! They prepared our rooms with flowers and candles. I added some tea things and had a very peaceful writing corner. 

Hours spent writing and listening are a gift, and I learned that I also needed to get out of my head and into my body each afternoon. I went for walks and runs. The surrounding community is full of historic homes and inviting benches.  

I am still discerning where this path will take me and am very excited to be on this journey! (I still have my day job, too.) I know this path will include heart, bravery, the help of others, and tea!


  1. Janie2:32 PM

    Read back line -- opening the gate to new possibilities....

  2. Good for you!!!

  3. Congratulations on this new adventure! It sounds like this suited you to a … you know!

  4. Oh Steph! In some ways sort of jealous. What a treat! I love that you are opening to new adventures, how very special.

  5. I remember you telling me about this! Glad you brought a gaiwan and stash. (Great yellow gaiwan!)

  6. What a worthwhile experience! The setting seems very conducive for writing. Hope this retreat opened up future writing possibilities for you.

  7. Lovely new adventures and experiences await you!

  8. I so enjoyed reading this post, Stephanie. A fun way to get a sneak preview before we meet face-to-face next Monday back at the Transfiguration Center. You have captured much of the essence of WWf(a)C in your words. AND I love all your tea imagery . . . clearly I have a lot to learn from you next week!


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