Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A Teacup Full of Memories

I recently spent several days visiting family, and to my great delight my niece wanted to have lots of tea parties, including Wu-Wo.  Be still, my heart!

Above, she set the tablescape for our Wu-Wo gathering, including her elephant that I brought from Rwanda.

This ladybug tea set worked great for Wu-Wo brewing. We brewed Silver Needles (white), an Oriental Beauty (heavily oxidized oolong), and an Alishan (green, fragrant oolong).  

Then my niece planned and executed her own British-inspired tea party.  

The centerpiece below.  (She loves painting.)

And, the snacks:  chocolate covered pretzels, Smarties, pie crust with cinnamon and sugar, and "Fruit by the Foot".  We drank black tea and it worked well with this creative menu.  :-)

Fun, fun times making memories! I'm grateful to have a fellow tea party lover in the family.


  1. Oh Stephanie, these are the best of times. So glad you had two creative tea times with your special niece. What memories the two of you are creating. I always make the pastry left overs with cinnamon and sugar, yummm!

  2. How cute! My favourite part is the bowl of snacks!


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