Saturday, January 23, 2016

Tovolo TeaGo and Hotel Room Tea

I haven't written about tea technology in some time. I thought I had all the gadgetry I needed, until a friend gave me this Tovolo TeaGo as a holiday gift.  It's great for travel. You can pack loose leaf tea in the stick and when you are ready, make tea. When done brewing, press the plunger to extract liquid and cap it to keep it dry.  It's a useful and clever implement!  It can be a little difficult to get those pressed leaves out, but as I discovered, a chopstick works very well.  

I used my TeaGo yesterday, for a few minutes of peace in my hotel room before packing to leave London.  I appreciate that this hotel has a window seat, where I enjoyed the tea with a leftover scone. Tea helps me savor the moments. 

If you have a Tovolo TeaGo, what do you think about it?


  1. I have never seen a gadget like this. Clever! Nice last tea time before returning home. Happy travels!!!

  2. Me also was surprise with tea tech. I never knew that this kind of gadget exist, I will look for this one and see how it works.


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