Thursday, May 05, 2016

A Beautiful Spring Tea

As the weather tips toward summer here, I am reflecting on a special spring tea party that I recently enjoyed. A friend did the hosting, and I am so, so grateful! I know how much detailed planning and work goes into one of these events. When I am invited as a guest, I am so thankful!

My girlfriend has recently begun collecting china, and she has several pieces in this lovely Royal Albert Lavender Rose pattern (made from 1961 - 2009). I know I'm preaching to the choir here - but golly, this stuff is pretty!

The food was wonderful.  Delicate and delicious sandwiches, Guinness scones with Devonshire cream, and fore dessert - macarons and a special orange cake served with creme fraiche. I savored each bite.

Above: Tulips from my garden and the delicious sweets.

Below: The lovely hostess.

And here we are again two weeks later, having another tea, this time oolong, at the Rhododendron Garden. 

It rained as we drank the tea, and then abruptly stopped! Here are two photos, one with rain and one without. 

I love how tea connects me with so many people in so many ways!


  1. Teafan10:56 AM

    It all looks fabulous. What a great friend.

  2. Oh so pretty! I have two Lavender Rose teacups, now I want an entire set.

  3. So pretty! I love the RA Lavender Rose pattern.

  4. Both tea times look so special. That is beautiful china and the food is beautiful too.

  5. That is a beautiful tea table! I must confess I immediately coveted that pretty china and thought oh wow, someone has been collecting forever and amassed a lovely array of that gorgeous Lavender Rose pattern ... so I was surprised she only recently began collecting. I usually mix and match, but my goodness, this elegant focus on a single pattern is stunning!


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