Sunday, October 16, 2016

Headed to Kyoto

I hope to drink many bowls of tea over the next two weeks, while I'm in Japan!  I'm traveling with my Sensei and three other tea students to the heart of the Japanese tea world, Kyoto.  We'll visit the headquarters of the Urasenke school (of which we are affiliated), have tea and sweets as often as possible, take in the beauty of and pay our respects at temples (Buddhist) and shrines (Shinto), eat fabulous meals, enjoy Japanese gardens, visit museums and as the trip comes to a close, stay amidst the tea fields. I'm overflowing with excitement! I'll share photos here, a few while I'm traveling and more when I returned.  Please wish us safe travels! 


  1. Japan is a beautiful country. What a exciting opportunity for you!

  2. How wonderful! Have a teariffic time.

  3. How exciting! Safe travels. Take lots of photos.

  4. This is such an exciting adventure! Safe travels to you and your friends... and can't wait to read about your journey.

  5. Happy and safe travels! I look forward to living vicariously through you!

  6. Happy travels to you! I've always envisioned Kyoto as the quintessential Japanese city with its beautiful temples and cherry blossom trees (well, not in bloom now). One of my college roommates was from Kyoto.
    You're going to have an amazing educational and cultural experience.

  7. take lots of tea pictures please. I hope someday I get the chance to have some Japanese Tea in Japan, bucket list!

  8. How awesome, Stephanie! Safe travels. We'll look forward to reading all about it when you return.

  9. Sounds great! I love tea as well...enjoy! :)

  10. How exciting! I'll look forward to seeing what you share upon your return!


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