Saturday, February 10, 2018

Yum Cha in Hong Kong, Lock Cha Tea House

Yum Cha is a practice, associated with Hong Kong and Cantonese-speaking parts of China, of having tea and dim sum (a variety of small dishes).  It's like brunch. I was recently in Hong Kong and had a chance to visit the Lock Cha tea house to enjoy this custom.

See the tea kettle to the side?  It's cleverly built into the table. 

We enjoyed a yellow tea (top) and a Phoenix oolong (bottom). 
The oolong was called "greenish" tea in English. 

Veggie dumplings

Cakes of pu-erh and other tea


  1. I am so happy you were able to make time to go here. It sounds wonderful. Tea and dumplings, what's not to love.

  2. I like how the tea kettle was on the table. I've had dumplings countless of times, but have never thought of enjoying them with tea!

  3. That tea kettle idea sounds awesome!
    I would definitely want to visit such a tea house. For now, I will just make myself another cup of tea :)

    xx Gabriela


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