Sunday, November 15, 2020



Today, the latest season of The Crown was released (Netflix). To celebrate, I made homemade crumpets. They're not difficult, basically a yeasted pancake. But they do take an investment of time, and I make them infrequently.  

I made crumpets to celebrate, but also (mostly) to distract myself. As COVID cases rise, we do our part to protect one another. For me, that means the continuation of staying home and not traveling to see my family. This is very hard, but I believe it's necessary. So I distract myself as best I can.

I enjoyed tea and crumpets in the sunniest corner of our home, which I've nicknamed the "solarium." Now, to a little binge watching...


  1. Your tea in the solarium is lovely—and such a pleasant distraction!

  2. I love seeing your solarium with tea and crumpets.
    It is so hard not visiting friends and family. I miss you and all of them too. What a lovely distraction.

  3. Your crumpets look delicious. I should try and make some one day. Hope you enjoyed the new season of The Crown. I couldn't get enough of it!


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