Tuesday, April 26, 2005

A Rainy Tuesday

It's raining and chilly today! Warm weather came to tempt us in the Midwest, then disappeared. Mother Nature's way of reminding us she's in control, perhaps! I enjoy these cool and rainy days because they make for excellent tea-drinking weather! Check out my tiny tea biz website: www.serendipityteas.com. This month I am running specials on two teas: Ice Wine and Blueberry.

Today, I am actually drinking someone else's tea: Murchie's Blend No. 22. The tea is a blend of black and green. I do enjoy it! I picked it up during a recent visit to Murchie's Coffee & Tea in Vancouver, BC. I'll write more about that trip over the next few posts. In the mean time, the photo above is a photo from Murchie's. It's a lovely store!

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