Friday, April 29, 2005

Tea at the Fish House, Stanley Park

I continue with the story of my tea adventures in Vancouver, BC.....
On the fourth day of my trip, I spent the bulk of the day exploring Stanley Park. It is an incredible green space! Bigger than New York's Central Park. I took a horse-drawn tour then walked the sea wall and hiked the interior (rain forest). I was hungry! I made my way to the Fish House in Stanley Park for Afternoon Tea. I had the chance to work up a bit more of an appetite, because it was on the complete opposite side of the park. By the time I was there, I was famished.

I had a nice Imperial Oolong tea. It was served in a small cast iron teapot. I was impressed that my server knew about the benefits of quality loose teas. The traditional three-courses were quite tasty. (See photo above). What I remember most intensely is the incredible blueberry jam that was served with the scones. It was so delicious!

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