Wednesday, July 06, 2005

New Treasures

My DH (dear husband) found an incredible tea set for me over the weekend. He was puttering around town on his bike and found a yard sale (no surprises there!). He secured the tea set in the post above for a steal - Only $5!

Now, the dilemma is that I have a "no new china" rule in place for myself. I have soooo much, and I love it all, but it takes up too much space. However, how can I turn down a gift from the DH, especially when it's such a good deal? That makes it even more exciting! I decided if I could thin out my collection so there is room for this beautiful new set, I would be OK. My real goal is to thin out and end up with a little less than I started! I'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Tom seems always to find the bargin of the day. They look beautiful. It is a sure thing you can't refuse something, when he was thinking of you.


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