Thursday, August 18, 2005

9 Years Later

Here's a photo of the DH and I, celebrating our 9th anniversary. The DH smiles often - just not easily in photos. :-) Someone has to crack a really good joke. We had a wonderful dinner at Tutto Benne, a local Italian wine bar.

While preparing to head to dinner, I found myself wondering, "What do we talk about after 9 years? Will there be anything special to discuss?" Throughout the entire wedding anniversary day we joked a lot and talked about our memories of the wedding. When we went to dinner, the conversation was comfortable and typical -- how we liked the restaurant, the music (live jazz), the food, the interesting glassware, inside jokes. I suppose there is something sacred in everyday conversation. What strikes me as important is that families, partners, friends continue to have these simple conversations and listen to each other. Not listening to hear themselves, but for the other's message. That makes 9 years of conversation interesting. Not always easy, either! :-)


  1. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Great photo! Such handsome folks!

  2. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Happy Anniversary!! You both look great!

  3. Anonymous8:22 AM

    That's a good picture. What is it with our men not wanting to smile in a photo. Glad you had a wonderful anniversay. Time does fly.


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