Friday, August 05, 2005

Glorious Glass Teapots

I am adoring my glass teapot! I generally use the teapot when I host a tea tasting, because it showcases the tea as it unfurls (the "agony of the leaf") and gives the best view of the color. In addition, this particular teapot pours like none other that I own. I don't think it has ever dripped.
Yesterday, I pulled out the teapot for my own use. I was trying an herbal tea that I had received as a gift and I wanted to get a good view of the color. I also wanted to make more than 1 cup. So, out of the box comes the glass teapot. (That's a subtle, but important note. If you have or get one of these, they are best protected by storing in their box. The pots are delicate.) My teapot is called the Teekanne Mikado. It's made in Germany, by Jenaer Glas. If any of you interested in one, let me know via e-mail. I receive a good deal on them.

I think I'll keep the pot out for a few days and enjoy it. With fall here (I celebrate its beginning on Aug 1), the light streams into my front window in the late afternoon, and yesterday it just set my teapot and herbal tea ablaze!

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