Monday, August 08, 2005

A Honey of a Book...

Check out this book preview:
The preview highlights the adventures of the book's main character, Buzz. I think the marketing is quite clever. I had the privilege to do an advanced-read of the book, as the DH (dear husband) and I know the author. It's a very endearing story. Here are my original comments to the author:

"To Bee or Not to Bee is a book that, when read to children, they will understand immediately. And when read by adults, they will understand slowly as it pricks their minds and souls.

The adventures of Buzz delicately bring to life the struggles and possibilities of our era. We each have our own land of milk and honey. We can find it when we take Buzz’s example and bee present with ourselves."

The book's website is: From here, you can download a free e-book! It's perfect to read with a cup of tea and honey.

"The power of the mind lies in perceiving differences; The power of the heart lies in perceiving similarities." -- To Bee or Not to Bee

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