Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Hurricane Rains

Katrina has a long reach! She's dumping rain on us in the Midwest. The rains that bring devastation on the East coast also bring life to the parched Midwestern land that has been in a drought.

As I sip my Royal Puerh (a smooth "cooked" puerh), I contemplate how Mother Nature has a pretty good cause for being upset with us! We continue to abuse our planet. I believe that while we think we're in control, nature can take back her authority at any moment. Let us never forget that we (humans) are merely one small part of this interdependent web of life.


  1. Anonymous9:32 AM

    You can say that again! I can't beleive how much people ignore the impact of their big cars, big houses, big spending on our delicate planet.

  2. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Just finished reading an inspiring book, "The Prophet's Way" by Thom Hartmann. He uses the end times metaphor in the sense that the Earth is healing itself by cleaning humanity out of the system. so the message for us humans who have chosen to be here at this time is "Do small acts of mercy, with compassion, without regard for recognition, no matter what the odds are that your action will have an effect." To act with mercy when facing overwhelming odds is a path worth taking, if I can remember...


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