Friday, September 23, 2005

Occasional Comment Deletion

Hi, All - I want to explain why I occasionally delete a comment from a post. From time to time, I get a commercial post on the blog. Someone is trying to sell something. I don't want to read this, and you shouldn't have to, either. These are the comments I delete. Rest assured that I don't delete any of yours!



  1. Hey Steph -- Just today I found out about a new feature from that might help with the spam.

    Go to your dashboard, click through to Steph's Cup of Tea, and then click the Settings tab. Choose Comments. On the next page is: "show word verification for comments?" Select "yes."

    If you want to see what it looks like, check out the comment section on my blog, and you'll see how it works.

  2. Thanks so much, Cindy!!


I value your comments, thank you!