Wednesday, November 23, 2005

A Chilly Morning, Sort Of....and King Arthur Scones

The DH (dear husband) and I went for a run this morning. 29-degrees, a light dusting of snow, and windy. Most folks would think that's pretty chilly, but in reality, it's not. I was soaked with sweat by the time we were done! It's just a matter of knowing how to dress, because once I start running, my body generates a lot of heat. The key for me is to keep my face and hands warm. If that happens, I can go out in really, really cold weather and be fine. (I use a balaclava to keep my face warm - and it helps warm the air I breathe, too.)

The other source of motivation was that I knew I had King Arthur scones (cranberry & orange) waiting for me when I returned. I've tested a few varieties of scone mixes, and King Arthur is my favorite. Of course, anything with 5 tablespoons of butter would probably taste good! >-) The DH thinks his homemade scones are better, and he's right. But, when I'm cooking, King Arthur takes the "cake" for a speedy solution!



  1. Anonymous1:40 PM

    King Arthur has yummy savory (non-sweet) scones, too!

  2. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Mmmm, I love cranberry orange scones.

    One thing I love about running is that you can do it in such cold weather. Cycling when it is 30 degrees is pretty much not so fun, but running it feels about as good as running in 50 degrees. The marathon I did started in 34 degree temps and it actually turned out to be perfect as it was just hitting 50 by the time i finished.
    Oh, happy thanksgiving.

  3. Anonymous11:37 AM

    King Arthur scones are a great mix - one of the best I've tried also. They're available at Wild Oats in New Mexico & Colorado. I keep a package on hand for impromptu tea parties. With a little advance notice, I can have scones and devonshire cream (see the Serendipity Teas website for the recipe) ready for tea.


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