Monday, November 07, 2005

Tea Poem

I found this poem over the weekend. It reminded me of a delightful afternoon in mid October when I was hunting for chestnuts. There is a chestnut tree about two miles from my house, and I brought home handfuls one day.

I found the poem on the back of a Victorian Papers greeting card. I am unsure who K. Pyle is, tho I suspect it may be Katharine Pyle, author and illustrator of children's books. If anyone can confirm the source of the poem, please let me know.

Untitled Poem by K. Pyle

We went to hunt for chestnuts
One fine October day,
And in the windy country
We wandered far away.

We built a fire of brush wood
Beneath the sheltering hill,
Among the rustling corn-shocks
The wind was never still.

We played that we were gypsies,
Who never slept in beds,
But lie beside their fires
With stars above their heads.

But when the air grew frosty,
Beneath the chestnut tree
We filled our bags and baskets
And hastened home to tea.


  1. That is such a lovely poem! It reminds me of when my sister and I were kids. The tree in the back yard would drop it's leaves, and my mom would send us out to rake them. She and I would rake them into a big pile and jump! Then when we got tired of that we'd make 'nests' and play birdies. The sun would start going down, and we'd rake them all into the mulch pile and go inside for cider.
    Thank you so much for sharing this poem! It's bound to become one of my favorites.

  2. Anonymous8:39 AM

    So I've recently reaquainted with tea. My favorite being earl grey. I'm wondering if you've had any of the earl greens (I generally don't care for green tea)?

  3. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I, too, discovered this poem thru "Victorian Papers" and wanted to know who the author was! Thank you for suggesting the name of Katharine Pyle. Since many female authors of an earlier time used just their first initial, I strongly believe that she is the one. I copied the stanza about the gypsies and put it in an album next to a photo I took in a Washington, D.C. museum of a gypsy wagon. Best regards from Travel Girl.


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