Monday, December 19, 2005

Easy Almond Biscotti Recipe and Kitchen Mishaps

Thanks to all who made comments to my Chai post!

I spent a lovely evening with my neighbor eating cheese and crackers, drinking hot cocoa (with Irish cream), oolong tea, and an artisanal green with a red clover inside. We also made yummy almond biscotti. (Thanks for your help & companionship, neighbor!)

After a few slight mishaps that the DH (dear husband) corrected, the biscotti continued along just fine and turned out lovely. (Mishaps: I forgot to take the baking stone out of the oven and it was smoking up the entire house! Plus, I put one of the biscottis on the lowest rack of the oven and it almost burned (this added to the smoke).) This was my first attempt at biscotti. Let me just say that next time, I'll know the ropes. >-) Remember, I'm NOT the master cook in the family. That title happily belongs to the DH.

Here's the recipe...

*Basic Almond Biscotti*

3/4 cup Butter1 cup Sugar
Dash almond extract4 Eggs3 cups all-purpose flour3 teaspoons baking powder1/2 teaspoon Salt1 teaspoon Anise seed1 cup Almonds -- coarsely chop
Two greased cookie sheets

Preheat oven to 350 and TAKE OUT the cooking stone. >-) Cream butter and sugar until light; add almond extract. Add eggs, one at a time beating after each addition; continue beating until very light and fluffy.

Mix flour, baking powder, salt and anise seed together, then mix into creamed mixture. Stir in nuts, divide dough into half.

Form dough into 2 loaves, 1 1/2 inch wide and the length of each baking sheet. Place onto greased cookie sheets. Bake at 350~F for 25 to 30 minutes. Remove from oven and cut loaf diagonally into 3/4 inch slices.

Return to oven, bake at 375~F 10 minutes longer, or until toasted and crispy.Variation: Omit anise seeds; add 1 teaspoon lemon zest and 1 teaspoon orange zest; when baked, slice each loaf diagonally and return to oven for 5 to 10 minutes to brown.

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