Friday, February 10, 2006

548 Cups of Tea

That's how many the DH (dear husband) and I served at the recent Chocolate Festival. Well, to be accurate, it's how many cups the DH brewed and served. He was the work horse. I just stood there and talked to people. I have fun at these kinds of things. I enjoy talking to people about tea. I had samples of the dry leaf for people to look at and smell, and we gave out small cups of Chocolate Mint tea. Folks seemed to really respond to the sensory experiences (visual/smell/taste).

The Chocolate Festival is a fundraiser for Options for Better Living.

Here are a few photos...

Me preparing to play hostess while the DH does all the work!

The DH ready for the masses!


  1. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Congratulations on another year of being at this event. That's a lot of cups of tea!! I'm sure you both were exhausted. Isn't that double what you did last year?

  2. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Tom's looking rather young and clean shaved these days. I've been meaning to try the mint choco tea. Sounds divine.

  3. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Wow, that's a lot of chocolate mint tea! I've never had that, sounds like it's something I would love. It sounds like the event was a big success!


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