Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Happy First Day of Spring!

Happy first day of spring! This may sound a little early for you, but the DH and I celebrate on Feb 1st. It's at this time of year that the northern hemisphere gains more solar energy than it loses; that marks a significant change for me. In addition, crocus, daffodils, and hyacinths are pushing up through the earth. It is spring!

We celebrate by having fresh flowers in the house. I'm lucky this year to have home-grown flowers. We've got beautiful geraniums that have been blooming all winter, and the last amaryllis flower. We've got daffodils that we're forcing to bloom. We should see the first yellow blossoms in the next few weeks. We'll buy a few more flowers this afternoon, to really celebrate!

I'm also drinking Ice Wine tea as a special treat. It's become one of my all-time favorites.

It's a mixed blessing for me today. I always look forward to this turning of the calendar. And yet, it is hard for me to filter out the noise of our times. Let me just say this, I am extremely disappointed in the leadership of our country. There is no "winning" to war.


  1. Anonymous7:29 AM

    The highest form of patriotism is dissension.

  2. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Well happy winter warmstice? Hey, that's one pretty lady on your profile.


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