Wednesday, August 30, 2006

High School Photos

Here's some high school photos for those of you who've been asking. :-) I will attend my high school class reunion this Saturday night - 15 years. Wow.

This is my Sr. photo. These were the days of big hair and guns-n-roses. :-)

This photo is of me and Sasco Rocket. One of the most beautiful animals ever, in my humble opinion. My Dad and I started his training together. When my Dad passed away, I continued it with help from my Mom and dear friends Besty, Mike and Barney and Anne. Sasco was a tempermental animal, but when he was "on" he was really on! Selling him was one of the hardest things I ever had to do, but it was a lesson in letting go. He helped pay for college. I miss him!


  1. These are great! I graduated the same year that you did and, boy, did I have the big hair too (I think my hair was bigger than my body)!

  2. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Didn't we all have perms and big hair back then, not to mention makeup? :D Thanks for sharing the photos - you look lovely! I'll be curious to hear how your reunion goes. Have fun!

  3. Anonymous7:42 AM

    You forgot to mention you were the Prom Queen!

  4. Anonymous4:30 PM

    How familiar! Perm + hot rollers + a half a can of Aquanet. Of course, now it's $50 worth of high-end straightening balm and 2o minutes with a $120 ceramic flattening iron.

    Not that much has changed. Great entry Steph.



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