Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Pleasures and Pain

I am sitting on my front porch. It's an Indian Summer - warm now at 80-degrees, with a light breeze. Last week was much cooler. I'm working - tho this is a small (5 minute) diversion. It's so lovely out here. I hear the wind chime and the birds. I see our fall flowers. I am grateful for all the abundance I've been given.

It's a tough time at work now. The layoffs are hitting close to home and today I found out about two people that I admire greatly who are being let go. Good people, bright and dedicated. It's tough on me. I feel tired and sad. Yet, this also reminds me to focus on the gifts of each day. Like the pleasures of sitting on this porch.


  1. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Isn't it amazing how much power such simple things in nature have over us? Thank goodness for that! I think you an I are a lot alike- I like that. :)

  2. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I'm just glad to know you're not being affected, and hope that the two folks you're referring too aren't people I know.

    Just stopped in to say hi and get lifted up. Ciao! Mic


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