Friday, January 26, 2007


I'm taking the preparations for my London Tea Tour seriously! I'm studying up on British history, culture, the royal family, etc. For me, half the fun of traveling is the learning about where I'm going!

One definition of an Anglophile is someone simply interested in English things. That fits me, as I am interested in England and its connection to tea. Another definition of an Anglophile is one who wishes to be British. That's definitely not me. While I find the royal family interesting and am glad many of the beautiful palaces and artwork have been preserved, I don't believe in entitlement by birth. I'm too much of an egalitarian.

Windsor Castle

Here are some of the interesting sites I've found in my research:

Official Website of the Monarchy - Lots of history and photos.

The Royal Residences - Brief descriptions and photos. This was helpful, because I was having trouble keeping them straight. I'll be visiting Kensington Palace and Windsor Castle.

Changing the Guard - Info on the ceremony. "...the process involves a new guard exchanging duty with the old guard." Seems kind of metaphorical.

Tower of London - More than just a prison.

Lady Jane Grey - The "9-day queen" is a very interesting historical character!

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