Saturday, February 24, 2007

Junque Revival

This is an early birthday gift from my Mom, tho she doesn't know it. (She gave me cash.) Thanks, Mom! :-) I bought the necklace at Junque Revival - found object art and jewelry. I'd been lusting after this for some time. The artist , Jessica Moreau-Berry, does incredible work. To find other necklaces like this one, click on the Jewelry link and then Look Closely necklaces. Each necklace has a unique saying on it. Mine says "heart and soul." This necklace attracted me for two reasons: 1 - The image of the three women reminded me how important my women friends are. 2 - The saying is how I prefer to live my life - fullness for my heart and soul.

I highly recommend a visit to Junque Revival! Simply looking through the site is like an online art tour. Jessica Moreau-Berry, the artist, also runs the Sweetpeas blog.

One of the coolest things is that I now have a personal connection with the artist. We traded a few e-mails about the piece, she visited my blog, and I got a handwritten note in the box with the necklace! I can't get something like that at Target!


  1. YOU ROCK! Thanks so much for the kind words, and I LOVE seeing the necklaces on people...(it's better than on myself in the mirror!) It really looks FAB!

    xoxox linking you today so I will come back and visit!

  2. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Wow - thanks for the recommendation to this site. She has VERY pretty stuff! Going on my wish list.


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