Monday, March 12, 2007

Amazing Trip!!!

Wow - I'm still flying high from my Tea in London trip last week. I will be posting photos for the next several weeks. :-) In the mean time, here is one of my favorite photos....

This is me in front of Windsor Castle. Notice how sunny it is! We were expecting rain, and we got a week of sun!!! :-)


  1. Lovely photo! You're very lucky to have gotten a week of sun. I can't wait to hear more about your trip.

  2. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Welcome back Stephanie! I can't wait to read about your tea experiences in England, where I learned to love tea (and lager) 25 years ago.

    Your occasional tea companion, Mary

  3. Anonymous12:25 PM

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  4. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Hi Stephanie, Would you mind posting a link on your blog to the 2008 Tea in London tour?



  5. My sister and I began our first trip through Europe in London, and I would say the word that best describes our impressions of the city is “overwhelming”. Everything we did was amazing, from tea and cake at the Bramah Tea and Coffee Museum to a play at the Globe Theater, from the oldest church in London, St. Bartholomew’s to the Ghosts and Graves tour. Such a huge Limousine London vehicles made us to feel like we are in Oscar award ceremony. Spending a full day in the British Museum was kind of a microcosm of our London experience. We saw so much, yet there is so much left to see. We will definitely be going back, as soon as our money replenishes, at least.


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