Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Day Five: A Cozy Pub and Mushy Peas

To wrap up day five of the Tea in London tour, we visited the Lass 'O Richmond Hill pub for dinner.

We had connections, as the chef is the son-in-law of our tour leader.

I had fish and chips and mushy peas. The dinner was delicious! The mushy peas tasted like thick split pea soup.

For dessert I had treacle pudding with custard. I'd first read of treacle in Harry Potter, and I was eager to give this a try! Treacle pudding is a steamed cake. Treacle is like molasses and forms a carmelized top, sort of like in a pineapple upside-down cake. The custard is a warm, sweet cream sauce. This was heavenly!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the photos, I have just copied/pasted in my blog. I love treacle tart with custard!


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